Pershendetje, Nuk me besohet qe jam ketu ne internet duke kerkuar shoqen e jetes por eshte shume e veshtire te takosh partneren e jetes duke marre parasysh "the busy life" :-) Familja dhe shoket me pershkruajne nje tim te qete, me pelqene to kaloj kohe me familjen dhe shoqerine. Kur kam kohe te lire me pelqen to lexoj. Gjithashtu me pelqe te kaloj kohe ne natyre dhe te merrem me aktivitete te ndryshme. Kam passion gatimin traticional po gjithashtu edhe te ndryshem si per shembull Italian, Meksikane, Indjane, etj... i'm looking for someone kind, smart, down to earth, independent and shares my passions of the simple things in life such as cooking, seeing the world or simply a walk in the park. If you think this could be you I would love to hear from you...