Please don't contact me with out photo .Many Thanks Hope you are well, What can i say about myself? I am an easy going person and easy to get along with people .I have good attitude, personality and honesty person. I like to care about my self and people round me. I am person optimist about the future.Most important to me is Trust and Caring if you don't have those two things please don't waste your time reading on my profile. The person i am looking for he has to be trustworthy , honest and he's able to make a good intellectual conversation! Regards, Sweet ''Jep por mos e lejo veten tuaj per tu Perdorur ,dashuro por mos e lejo zemren per tu Abusuar, beso por mos u ban Naiv, ndegjo te tjeter por mos humb zerin Tuaj'' Pershendetje per te gjithe.... jam mirenjohese se keni kushuar kohe ne profilin tim.Si tja filloj te shkruaj per vetem time! Dua vetem ca reshta ti shkruaj. Por kisha pas deshire ai person se takoj te kuptoj me kohe se cfar personi jam une... Kam ne mendje nje person se nuk ka rrespek per veten nuk ka per askend , per mua asht me randesi shumme'' SINQERITETI'' edhe besimi nuk ke keto 2 gjera nuk ke nevoj me kalu kohen ne profilin tim. Personin qe un jam duke kerkuar duhet e jet i besueshem , i ndershum edhe asht ne gjendje te beje nje bisede te mire intelektuale! Me rrespekt . Sweet