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Sa te bukura jeni ore zocka. Me te vertet e kam, ja edhe mbeturinat shqipaetare neper bote. qe duken sikur jane te raskapitura nga rruget e medha ose semaforet qe rrinin gjithmone te kuq.Dikur ose kohe me pare ne ishim krenare qe ishim shqipetare duke mohuar besimet e ndryshme fetare morem leksione bolshevike por ajo kohe u quajte si koha e e zeze por qe tani ne e ndjejme se si lumturia e asaj kohe na perpine tani kuluturen miresearthjen e madhe shqipetare, gjithe keto vite qe jam endur rrugeve te botes kam kuptuar se nje popull kurvash nuk munde te behet kurr nje popull. Nje popull qe shet njerez ose pjes trupi si kembimi nuk ka per te marre tatepjeten asnjehere.Po eshte ky popull i vyshkur jane keta njerez qe jane endur bashke me mua jan bere tani yje te kanaleve prestigjioze si (PRIVATE& PLAYBOY) a thua ne njerezite e thjeshte nuk e shohim se cfare behet.A nuk eshte per te qare bertitur kur njerezite e thjeshte mbajne ne shpine punet me te renda te ndertimit the barren e thelle te krenarise se vendit te tyre qa tani eshte kthyer sikur motrat e dikujte prostitute.A thua do te ishte me mire sesa keto motra tona ketu te dinin mire se cte bejne me jeten e tyre sesa te harxhojne enderat e tyre sexuale. Ndoshta nuk e keni kuptuar ndoshta ashnjehere nuk do ta kuptoni se nje dite nuk do te behet me mire. Ky shovinizem cinike qe ju ka mberthyer nuk do te mbarroj por do te kthehet ne urrejtje por cte besh kjo quhet fjale dhe jete e lire Looking For: This is for all the gurls that wanna get in touch with me.I LOVE YoU NoT BeCAuSE OF WhO YoU ARE, BUT BeCaUSE OF WhO I AM WHeN I Am WiTh YOU... No MaN Or WoMaN Is WoRth YouR TEaRS, AnD ThE OnE WHO is,Won'T MaKE yOu CrY... JuSt BEcAusE SomEoNE dOEsN't LoVE YoU ThE Way YOu WAnt TheM TO, DoESn't MeAN TheY thEY DoN't LoVe YoU WitH aLL ThEY HaVE... A TrUe FrIeNd Is SoMeONE wHo rEAcHes FoR YoUr hANd AnD ToUchES YouR hEART THe WorST wAy To MiSs SomEoNE iS tO Be SittINg RiGhT bESIdE ThEM KnOWinG YoU CaN'T HaVe ThEM... NeVeR FrOwN,EveN WhEN YoU ArE SAD,BeCaUSe YoU NeVer KnoW WhO Is FaLLinG In LoVe With YouR sMile To ThE WoRLd YoU MaY Be OnE PErSON, BuT tO oNe PeRsOn YoU MaY bE ThE wORLD . DoN't WaStE YoUR TiME On A MaN/WoMaN, WhO Isn't WiLLiNG tO WasTe ThEiR tImE On You... MaYbE GoD WaNtS Us To MeeT A FeW WrOnG PeOPLe BeFOrE MeeTiNg tHe RigHt OnE, So ThaT WheN We FinaLLy MEet ThE PeRson, We WiLL KnOw HoW To Be This is just some of the stuff that some1 send it to me and i am so lazy to write it down so just cut and paste easy

Best Feature
I'll tell you later
5'  6"   (168 cm)
My Lifestyle
Social Smoker
Has Kids
Wants Kids
Some College
I'll tell you later
What languages do you speak?
English, Albanian, Italian
Favorite Music
I'll tell you later
Describe the perfect evening.
Havin a glass of wine at home with me partner and enjoyning a nice albanian dinner watchin a moveie or sumthin
How many kids would you like to have?
2 important
How important is someone's physical appearance to you?
Now who's to say if i was right or wrong @To live my life as an outlaw allalong! Remain strong, in this planet full of playa haters, they conversate, about the death row of demostrators.And in da end drinkin hennesy made all my enemys envy me . So cold when i flow eliminating easily falls to their knees, they plead for theyr right to breath, while beggin me to keep the peace" Well i can see close into achive , in times of danger don't freeze is time to be a G. follow my lead i supply everything i need.An ounce trainin to make a G remember me, as an outcast outlaw!!!!
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
i wont need powers. the power is in the peoples soul
What do your friends tease you about the most?
well my hair
What gets on your nerves?
remote control if its batteries r out of date .
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
love /peace /tolerance / importance of who u r. and don't mater what u do right and good.
What turns you off?
lights wen they go off
What turns you on?
smile./look in my girlfriends eyes they tell u. they tell u everything that u wanna know
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
As a person i'll be who i'm nothin more neither somethin added or taken away
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